

Zhangjiagang Donghang Electric Heating Appliance Factory
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张家港市东航电热电器厂 张家港市东航电热电器厂成立于1971年,是研制各种金属管状电热元件产品的制造商。“波德”牌商标于93年注册,专为工业用电加热管,产品质量符合JB/T2379-93部颁标准(本厂是93标准起草单位之一)。现在,“波德”牌产品被中国铝加工工业广泛采用,从630T-10000T以上大中型国内外铜、铝型材挤压机,盛锭筒(挤压筒)配套加热用。如:美国萨顿、日本宇部、意大利达涅利、德国西马克、萨帕铝(江阴)公司、台湾建华、源上、梅瑞、新泳、谊昌、聲傑 等。国内如:太原重型机械、西安重型所、沈阳新鑫模具、中冶陜压、广东佛山明晟机械、佛山业精机械、佛山南海金沥机械、佛山兴桥重型、佛山新颂星、无锡源昌、无锡市威特机械等,有五家公司近四年来新开发的短行程挤压机配用“波德”牌直插式节能电热管已随机销往世界各地。


响应国家“一二五”节能减排要求,江阴市江顺科技联合张家港市东航电热电器开发改造,老旧挤压筒经过金加工,铣钻孔配制插入式电热管,同时配上BODE THERMO 控温系统,梯度到430℃,它的控制效果正负1℃,均恒加热至580℃,保护挤压筒过热软化,又调控电热管处于低电压,小电流,更延长电热管使用寿命,上述成果已实践成功推广。旧筒改新筒,经久又耐用,加热速度快,保护它内胆,更换不停机,省电节能多,性价比特高,“波德”牌插入式电热管保用期两年,欢迎广大有旧筒改造合作意向者诚信联系。


Enterprise Introduction

Zhangjiagang City, Donghang Electric Appliance Factory, established in 1971, is to develop a variety of metal tubular heating elements manufacturer of the product. "Bode" trademark registered in 1993, designed for industrial electric heating pipe, product quality in line with JB / T2379-93 ministerial standards (The factory is one of 93 standard drafting unit).Now, the "Bode" brand products have been widely used in China’s aluminum industry, from 630T-10000T more than medium-sized domestic and copper, aluminum extrusion machine, poured ingot tube (squeeze tube) supporting the heating.Such as: the United States Sutton, Ube Japan, Italy Danieli, Siemag(Germany), Sapa (Jiangyin), Taiwan Jianhua, Yuen-sun, Meiruey, Shineyoung, Yichang and Shengjie. Domestic as: Taiyuan Heavy Machinery, Xi’an Heavy, Shenyang Xinxin molds, MCC Xiaya, Foshan, Guangdong Mingcheng Machinery, Foshan Yejing machinery, Foshan Nanhai Jinli machinery, Foshan Xingqiao heavy machinery,Foshan xinsongxing, Wuxi Yuanchang, Wuxi City Weite machinery, there are five companies nearly four years to the newly developed short stroke extruder equipped with a "Bode" brand energy-saving heating pipe line has been sold around the world randomly.

Aluminum is energy-hungry 1990s, the development of energy-efficient domestic extruder, a leading heavy use of imported heating pipe-line, in 2010 after the development of Guangdong Ming Sheng 45MN machine, which uses a heated tube containing spindle design with a "Bode "brand plug-in electric tube total power 78KW, which imports more than 10 years ago, 3600T extruder barrel outside Sheng ingot heating power is 115KW, compared to saving up to 38%, which is made in China energy-saving aluminum extrusion machine forward a big step.

Response to the national "one two five" emission reduction requirements, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Zhangjiagang City, Donghang-technology joint development and transformation of electric appliances, old squeeze tube through payment processing, milling and drilling preparation of plug-in electric heating tube, while accompanied by BODE THERMO control temperature system, gradient to 430 ℃, its positive and negative control effect 1 ℃, are constant heating to 580 ℃, squeeze tube overheat protection to soften, and the regulation of heating pipes in a low voltage, low current, but extend the life of heating pipes above results have been successful promotion practices.Old barrel change new cartridge, durable and durable, fast heating tank to protect it, to replace non-stop, energy saving and more cost-effective ultra-high, "Bode" card with a plug-in electric with conviction of two years old are welcome to have cylinder transformation cooperation intention integrity links.
直插式电热管[m2 m3]
详细地址:江苏省 张家港 江苏省张家港市杨舍镇蒋桥
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主营产品:“盛锭筒”插入式电热,M2 双向直棒式加热,M3 单向直棒式加热,N分度M-3模具炉,大型哈佛、环形系列
通信地址:江苏省张家港市杨舍镇蒋桥  电话:051258202870  传真:051258202870
E-mail:398235263@qq.com  QQ:  